A Perfect Day Notebooks

A Perfect Day Notebook is distributed all over the world and wonders what your stories are about this happy, weird, sad, absurd, everyday life. Read more on how to get involved. Lees meer in het Nederlands.

No.1 active Utrecht
artist: Nasta Cistakova
No.2 active
1 Stang Gubbels
2 Brechje de Jonge

No.3 completed
artist: Anuli Croon
No.4 missing contact us if you know where it is.

No.5 completed
artist: Baukje de Haas

No.6 completed
artists: De Rode Loper basisschool & SBO Het Spectrum
No. 7 missing contact us if you know where it is.

No.8 completed
artist: Paulien Cornelisse
No.9 completed
1 Claudie de Cleen
2 Henk de Cleen
3 Sabine Wisman
No.10 completed
1 Victoria Krisaim
2 Bo van de Ploeg

No.11 completed
artist: Witte Wartena 

No.12 completed
artist: Annemieke Kreuger 
No.13 available
artists: Anna van Duijn & Joosje Bosch
contact someone

No.14 completed
artist: Adele Roos 
No.15 completed
1 Alice Mulder
2 Melda Ennekavi
No.16 completed
1 Paul Faassen
2 Dennis van Aalst
3 Tim den Hartog 
4 Theresa Hartgers
No.17 available
1 Anne Stalinksi 
2 Tineke Meirink
No.18 active

No.19 completed
artist: Henk-Jan Panneman 
No.20 missing 
contact us if you know where it is.
No.21 active Amsterdam
artist: Jillem
No.22 available
artist: René Duinkerken
No.23 completed
1 Sarah Welling
2 Femke vd Wijk
No.24 active
artist: Octavia Roodt
Turnhout, Belgium
No.25 completed
1 Silvia Celiberti 2 Christine Torsius

No.26 available
artist: anonymous
contact someone
No.27 active Amersfoort
artist: Janne Willems
No.28 available
artist: Susanne Wennekes 
contact someone
No.29 active
Henriëtte Wiessing 
2 Rosanne Boers
No.30 active Utrecht
artist: Koyo Do 
No.31 available
artist: Nino Maissouradze
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No.32 available contact someone
No.33 available
artist: Camilla Heath
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No.34 active Lausanne (CH)
artist: Isabel Krek
No.35 active Rotterdam
artist: Georgie en Pascal Duval Slothouwer

No.36 completed
artists: Dasha Starostin & Arsen Simonean (NL)
No.37 active Amsterdam
artists: Spinoza Lyceum (NL)

No.38 completed
artist: Zena Rae
No.39 available
artist: Tekenkabinet
No.40 archived Canada
artists: Paetyn & Rowan
No.41 available 
artist: Suzanne van Vlerken
contact someone

No.42 active Amersfoort artist: Karen van Ginkel
No.43 active
London (UK) Paul Davis
No.44 active
London (UK) 
No.45 available
Helsinki (F) Riitta Oittinen
No.46 available
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No.47 available
contact someone

No.48 available
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No.49 active Haarlem
artist: Mees Woltjer
No.50 active Amsterdam
artist: Thijs de Heer
No.51 active Weesp
artist: Gilles Jansen