
From September 22 until October 2, 2022 we organized the third and biggest edition at the NDSM in Amsterdam. The first two editions were held at Westergas in Amsterdam. A Perfect Day Tekenshow came out of the exhibition ‘Lots Of Things Like This’ in New York at the Apexart Gallery, put together by Dave Eggers. Take a look at the overview page.

A Perfect Day Foundation

A Perfect Day is a platform where artists reflect, through drawings with text, on the absurd, poetic, frustrating and glorious daily life accompanied by experiment in music and performances. We show how life and mental diversity can be experienced and approached. This confrontation, created by the artist, can refresh, repel or unite, but always seeks interaction. A Perfect Day organizes events (online and offline) and, in collaboration with artists, gives a stage to this art of drawing.


A Perfect Day wants to contribute to a larger stage of a specific movement within the art of drawing and for the arts in the general. It aims to provide the necessary absurdity and perspective, and bring humor and enlightenment to this complex society.

We consider the art that A Perfect Day brings a unique, very direct, and accessible form of expression. No matter how personal the gaze of the various artists may seem, the work we show evokes universal thoughts and emotions. The work can challenge, provoke and provide reflection.

Thankful ︎
Without the support of these foundations this project would not have been possible;
AFK, Fonds 21, Mondriaan Fonds Pictoright,
Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds, Fonds1999

Office A Perfect Day
Willem Beukelsstraat 42
1097CT Amsterdam
the Netherlands

Corine Haitjema, Paul Faassen & Olga Scholten
Production & financiën
Corine Haitjema
Paul Faassen, Olga Scholten
Exhibition design
Paulien Bremmer
Shireen Lilith van Dorp
Finance assistent
Anne-Nynke Knol
Live Program content
Corine, Paul, Olga
Development Workshops
Maarten Bel
Marketing & content
Eveline Prins
PR & Communicatie
Natasja Wielandt

Corine Haitjema
Paul Faassen
Olga Scholten

Raad van Toezicht 
Freek Kuin, voorzitter
Pjotr de Jong, secretaris
Anne-Marie Jansen, lid
Paul van Boekel, penningmeester
Het bestuur werkt onbezoldigd

RSIN  860240654

APD Codes & Practice

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