Borduren in de Tekenshow
Met naald en draad tekenen? Is het moeilijk? Nee helemaal niet! Maarten Bel en Fleur Flipse zijn experts in deze techniek en je zult zien, binnen de korste keren, maak jij een borduurwijsheid die het waard is om nog eeuwen aan de muur te hebben hangen.
Maarten Bel
(1987, NL)
Maarten alienates his audience from their routine by addressing weighty themes in a light-hearted manner, for which he is often inspired by everyday events. In his universe climate change makes smurfs melt, picking up litter becomes a more competitive game than Monopoly, and only very few things arouse the senses as strongly as a naked man embroidering a croissant. Sometimes Maarten involves his audience in his work. They always look displeased at first, to come round later and enjoy themselves. Nine out of ten dentists agree that a kick in the nuts by Maarten Bel will make you feel reborn.
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